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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Gradient tool >> [Gradient]Silver >> Angle Gradient >>[Gradient]Lime Green

Several brushes from http://www.fairy-dust.com http://www.obsidiandawn.com/ and http://www.aethereality.net/

Type:Fiolex Girls [outer glow]

I wanted to do contrasting in this picture [note:lime green and pink]
I think it went quite well.....

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:16 AM


Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

This is a picture of Olha from I think...Xenosaga? Can't really recognise her,right? ;]

Gradient Steel Blue ...angle gradient
White brush 473
Filter : rough pastels

I forgot to record down how I did the text...I think I did outer glow,transparency,changed the outer glow color...something like that.

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:12 AM


Friday, July 29, 2005

Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe


Created this from scratch

Believe it or not,it was actually...light blue!! Muahahaha...lol
I was messing with the brushes and filters when I accidentally turned it brown ;] I thought it looked a bit Earth-like...Taurus...you know?
Never mind.So I typed all the descriptions of Taurus...actually blended a picture of the symbol of taurus into the background,but it was too messy [and ugly] so I decided against it.

Voila.For Taureans from a Taurean

Alot of brushes...
Filter:Difference Clouds
Patient....outer glow transparency 61%
Stubborn....outer glow transparency 61%

+ silverflamedrose @ 6:05 AM


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Original from Deviant Art by Saciii

...Turned out lighter here then in Photoshop...10 pictures later and I still suck at saving pictures in suitable formats...can you imagine that I used to save them in bmp format files??? Now I've switched to jpeg. format,with quality always as 8,high.

I kinda like this picture,but I have,as always,made it lose its gloomy effect and made it much lighter.Ah well.

Gradient:Steel Blue Angle gradient
White Brush 473
Filter : Rough Pastels

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:11 AM


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Original from Deviant Art by BlacKeri

Hehe...nothing to do,so I just did this....acttually I liked the first version better.

Method:Gradient:Light Spectrum
History brush 472 525
White brush 472 537

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:37 AM


Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Original picture from Deviant Art and its by BlacKeri.

My Eighth picture! The original was very nice,so all I did was use a few brushes...just for the fun of it.

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:33 AM


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Picture created by Kittynn of Devianart.
Edited in Photoshop CS

Disappointment :inner glow,color overlay,drop shadow,opacity :55
Its just too much:drop shadow,inner shadow,inner glow,color overlay,outer glow
Brush 473 , 472 [white color]
History Brush 74 :Outer glow

I think that I may have over-done this picture a bit...but if I adjust the opacity to be lesser,the picture will seem quite pain.Its one of those:want to be simple,be super simple,want to be complicated,be very complicated type of picture.

More coming soon!

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:26 AM


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

Inspiration struck for this piece when I was doing the Moragn Le Fay one.I dunno what I did,but the result looked something like this piece,so I created a new picture.
The method I used for this picture is:

Brush 493 (cover the whole page)
Brush 368 keep pressing on the spot to make the shape printed out in bold
Brush 473 (same method as previous) did it over the last brush-image
Light Spectrum Gradient
(three diff.fonts)

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:59 AM


Go to Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

My fifth picture! The original picture was entitled Morgan Le Fay...and the edited picture is also titled Morgan Le Fay -.- talking rubbish.Anyway,there are alot of stories about Morgan Le Fay,potraying her as a good person as an evil person...loads.But the text I have typed onto the picture portrays her as a misunderstood character....just like the story, I am Morgan Le Fay by Nancy Springer. It is a superb story,KM lent me the book :] (if you are reading this,thanks again,km!)
Three different fonts
Gradient:Light Spectrum
'i am different' blending options:drop shadow,outer glow
'and that condemns me' blend mode:overlay blending options:outer glow
Thats about how I did the picture.

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:47 AM


I have changed the layout for this site.While the last layout was really very nice,the inline frames kind of got in the way....maybe I will even post the pictures in the entries (provided they aren't too big) but to get a better view of them,go to http://www.freewebs.com/jeweledelegance/adobe.htm
Hope you like the new layout!
While the colours are too light and the design is too simple for my taste,I still like it...its really beautiful

+ silverflamedrose @ 4:59 AM


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Go to Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

This picture was made from scratch
You know those really nice layouts? Where they usually have more then one graphic and all the positioning are really complicated with tables all over the place?
This piece of graphic reminds me of a part of those type of layouts.Part.That's the irony.Oh well,if you're really good with creating layouts,feel free to take this picture...(to view it go to Jeweled Elegance--the above link) but make sure you 1.give me credit (lol...can you imagine writing that the upper left part of the layout was by Jeweled Elegance?) 2.show me the completed layout!!!!
But the chances of anyone using it will be very slim,since this blog isn't really 'well known' or anything...like anyone would read all my words...
Anyway.The Method.

20 by 20 cm blank picture
Gradient tool >> Matte Sphere >> Diamond Gradient
Brush Tool Swilrs + Wording...got both of them from

+ silverflamedrose @ 5:32 AM


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