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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Go to Jeweled Elegance >> Adobe

This picture,amazingly,was done by me ;]
First of all,I typed all the text using different fonts and sizes etc
Next I used Brush 74, (the one in the shape of a Maple leaf) to decorate the background in pink.
I then applied the Rainbow gradient
Next,I used a pastel purple gradient and applied it (the arrow) in a short arc,in the vertical direction.
That was how the streak of light across the picture was created
At last,I used the history brush and used Brush 74 again and stamped it all over the left side of the picture
Because the history brush reverts the stamped-area back to how it look like one layer ago,if you look closely,you can see that the leaves are actually pink
(the rainbow and the customised gradients,both being gradients,are therfore counted as one layer)

+ silverflamedrose @ 1:45 AM


Finally! I have decided what to do with this blog...post all the images I created/altered... in Adobe Photoshop CS and I will tell you how I edited it too.

+ silverflamedrose @ 1:44 AM


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